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Data Collection

Summarizing my Data Sets

Student logs provided qualitative information on which books students selected from their book bin and how they assessed their reading stamina. This data led to differentiated instruction for individual students as well as small group guided reading. For example, two weeks into my action research, I noticed some students were not filling out their log to the best of their ability. In response to this, I added incentives to the log in order to encourage students to fill it out, as instructed. This differentiation led to student success. 



"Read to Self"

Student Logs



Anecdotal Notes

Qualitative, formative data on student performance was collected during regular guided reading instruction. I noted how individuals and each small group responded to the explicit strategy instruction and gathered data on how students applied strategies while reading independently. Notes were analyzed for themes and used to inform daily instructional decisions.


Guided Reading Strategy Logs

Students demonstrated their comprehension by identifying a connection or question they had while engaging in leveled-texts during small group instruction.

District Curricular Common Formative Assessment (CFA)

The CFAs were used as pre and post tests to measure the overall impact of the differentiated reading strategy instruction on comprehension achievement. Students completed a CFA at the beginning and conclusion of the study period as well as two formative CFAs during the study.  Each CFA assessed aspects of comprehension through selected response questions at varying Webb’s Depth of Knowledge (DOK) levels (see below). Assessment items correlated to state standards and the reading strategies implemented within small guided reading groups including making connections and questioning text.


Fountas & Pinnell

Text Level

Measures of Academic Progress (MAP)

Student text level growth data was used to determine the effectiveness of the reading strategies and next steps for instruction. Text-levels were obtained through administering the individualized assessment in the Fountas & Pinnell Benchmark Assessment System in Fall 2019 and Winter 2019. Data gathered provides a student’s independent and instructional reading levels corresponding to levels A-Z, starting with beginning reading skills in Level A to the most advanced in Level Z+.

Student MAP growth, specifically in reading comprehension, was consulted to differentiate instruction for individuals and small groups. Measure of Academic Progress (MAP) is a computer-delivered, individualized assessment that provided a RIT (Rasch UnIT) score, which is an estimation of a student's instructional level. RIT scores can also measure student growth.

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